Money, finance and security businesses are vulnerable to constant threats. BotX understands the unique needs of these industries and offer reliable solutions that you can bank on. With BotX – Smart Integrated Solution for Banking & Finance, you can boost your powerful and integrated functionalities.

BotX Solution helps you to integrate multiple functionalities at single platform. From security to asset monitoring and from customer’s authentication to employee verification methodology, we have a powerful solution which provides answer to all your security related issues.

Bank Security Requirements

Digital Surveillance

BotX have a wide range of Cameras and DVR for round the clock surveillance. It can give you footage of every event happening in the bank premises as well as periphery around the branch. We can also set a command centre from where you can keep an eye on every scrupulous activity going all around.

The Solution of BotX provides advanced analytics of Banking and its multiple facets like ATMs, Locker rooms, Lobby, Entry/Exit and Working area.

Challenges for Digital Surveillance
  • No records available for before/after event
  • Unclear video footage
  • Back up of video for longer duration
  • Centralized feed of the monitoring system
  • Higher end Solutions – tough to manage
Solution of Digital Surveillance
  • High resolution cameras and DVR will ensure capturing of every event
  • Implementation of network video surveillance to avoid/detect potential threats
  • Centralized monitoring system for continuous video feeds
  • Cost effective solutions with easy management
  • Advanced Video Analytics

Authentication of Employees & Customers

BotX provides wide range of biometric authentication devices which is full proof and secure. We have wide range of USB biometric devices for customer as well as employee authentication. With 100% accuracy, you can manage the security and authenticity of employees and customers.
Challenges for Employee & Customer Authentication
  • Unreliable/Manual methodology for the authentication process
  • No data/record maintenance
  • Manual process for major operational activities
Solutions for Employee & Customer Authentication
  • Biometric and USB device for employee/customer authentication process
  • Records of every input into the devices
  • Digital data management with zero error

Access Control

BotX provides the solution for actual access needs for more secure and safe banking premises. The access control solution from BotX does not allow any unwanted person to enter the restricted zone. You can also create category of employee who can access the restricted rooms/zones like locker rooms or control/command centres.
Challenges for Access Control
  • Unwanted access into restricted zones
  • Tough to manage customers at peak hours
  • Employee also breaches the NO ENTRY zone
  • Manual process to manage all
Solutions for Access Control
  • We can grant access to only verified persons in NO ENTRY zone
  • Can allow only a group of employee to enter the critical zone
  • Manage customers easily at peak hours
  • Automated process to manage all
  • Integrated alarm system for any emergency situation
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